aims & scope
Journal of Near Eastern Literatures

Edebiyât n.s. 14.1/2 (2004) Special issue: The Writer and the Text in the Arab World (Guest Editor: Samah Selim)

In memoriam: Magda Al-Nowaihi, 1958-2002


  • Hosam Aboul-Ela, "Writer, Text and Context: The Geohistorical Location of the post-48 Arabic Novel"
  • Michael Beard, "Master Narrative and Necessity in Ibn Fattouma"
  • Walid Hamarnah, "Narrative, Memory and Exile in Ghâlib Halasâ's *Sultânah*"
  • Elisabeth Kendall, "The Theoretical Roots of the Literary avant-garde in 1960's Egypt"
  • Mohamed-Salah Omri, "Evocation and Mimesis: Al-Muwayliî, al-Mas`adî and the Narrative Tradition"
  • Wen-chin Ouyang, "The Dialectic of Past and Present in Rihlat Ibn Fattûma by Najîb Mahfûz"
  • Samah Selim, "The Narrative Craft: Realism and Fiction in the Arabic Canon"


  • Two Stories by Samira al-Mana ("The Thing we Call Age"and "A Dormant Alphabet"), trans. Shakir Mustafa
  • Wadî` Sa`âdeh, from "Attampt to Connect Two shores with Sound" and "Bringing Back a Melted Person," trans. Clarissa Burt.


  • Barry Tharaud, "A Quintet and a Waltz" (on recent translations by Milet Publishing: Rafat Ilgaz, Fourth Company / Dördüncu Bölük; Aziz Nesin, Out of the way! Socialism's Coming / Sosyalizm Geliyor Savulun!; Muzaffer Izgü, Radical Niyazi Bey / Radikal Niyazi Bey; Furuzan, A Summer Full of Love / Sevda Bolu Bir Yaz; Buket Uzuner, A Cup of Turkish Coffee / Bir fincan kahve and Mediterranean Walz / Kumral Ada-Mavi Tuna


  • Saime Göksu and Edward Timms, Romantic Communist: The Life and Work of Nazim Hikmet, rev. Clare Brandabur.
  • Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Al-Tajrîbah al-jamîlah: risâ'il Jabra Ibrâhîm Jabra ilâ `Isâ Boullatah min 1966 ilâ 1994, rev. Clarissa Burt.


  • Shouleh Vatanabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami & Judith Caesar