aims & scope
Journal of Near Eastern Literatures
You'll find below the table of contents for each issue from the beginning, when the publisher was the University of Pennsylvania's Middle East Center, up to the merger with Middle Eastern Literatures. Issues from Edebiyât 1.1 (1976) to n.s. 3.1 (1989) are available to buy (see purchasing). Library browsers will recognize these issues as the green edition. From n.s. 4.1 (1993) to 14.1/2 (2004) the publisher was Harwood academic Publishers. We've never figured out how to order those.

Edebiyât 1.1 (1976)


  • Kamal Abu-Deeb, "Towards a Structural Analysis of Pre-Islamic Poetry (II): The Eros Vision"
  • Michael Craig Hillmann, "Manūchihri: Poet or Versifier?"
  • Jerome W. Clinton, "Comments"
  • James T. Monroe, "The Structure of an Arabic Muwashshah with a Bilingual Kharja"


  • Sait Faik, "Sivriada Nights," "Loveletter" and "The Man Who Doesn't Know What a Tooth or a Toothache Is," translated by William C. Hickman

Edebiyât 1.2 (1976)


  • Mounah Khouri, "Prose Poetry: A Radical Transformation in Contemporary Arabic Poetry"
  • Roger Allen, "Egyptian Drama and Fiction in the 1970s"
  • Michael Beard, "Character and Psychology in Hedayat's Buf-e kur"
  • Jerome W. Clinton, "The Madāen Qasida of Xāqāni Sharvāni, I"
  • Charles D. Smith, "Hakadhā Khuliqat: The Triumph of the Irrational in the Fiction of Muhammad Husayn Haykal"


  • Fuzuli, "Gazel," trans. Bernard Lewis
  • Iqbal Majeed, "Two Men, Slightly Wet," trans. C.M. Naim


  • Jalal Al-e Ahmad, The School Principle, reviewed by Gert J.J. DeVries
  • Raymond P. Scheindlin, Form and Structure in The Poetry of Al-Mu`tamid Ibn `Abbād, rev. Andras Hamori

Edebiyât 2.1 (1977)


  • Issa Boullata, "Adonis: Revolt in Modern Arabic Poetics"
  • Gholam Hosein Yousofi, "Colors in the Poetry of Hafez"
  • Stanley Nash, "Reflections on Israeli Literature base on Recurrences of the 'Aqedah Theme"
  • Kamal Abu Deeb, "Studies in Arabic Literary Criticism: The Concept of organic Unity"


  • Nima Yushij, "The Cock Crows," trans. Munibur Rahman
  • Nedim, "Poem," trans. Ahmet Evin


  • Robert M. Rehder, "Persian Poets and Modern Critics"


  • Samad Behrangi, The Black Fish and Other Modern Persian Stories, rev. Gert.J.J. DeVries
  • Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings, rev. Ruth E. Hamori

Edebiyât 2.2 (1977)


  • Gernot L. Windfuhr, "Foruq's `Born Again': An Analysis and Interpretation"
  • Andras Hamori, "Form and Logic in Some Medieval Arabic Poems"
  • Robert P. Finn, "Epic Elements in Dedem Korkudun Kitabi"
  • Jerome W. Clinton, "The Madāen Qasida of Xāqāni Sharvāni, II: Xāqāni and al-Buhturi"
  • William C. Hickman, " Notes in Language an Style in 'The Homecoming'"
  • Adnan Haydar, "The Muallaqa of Imru'al-Qays: Its Structure and Meaning, I"


  • Enver Sajjad, " The Bird," trans. C.M. Naim, M.U. Memon
  • Vüs'at O. Bener, " The Homecoming," trans. William C. Hickman


  • Shota Rustaveli, The Lord of the Panther-Skin, rev. William Hanaway
  • Talat Sait Halman, ed., Modern Turkish Drama: An Anthology of Plays in Translation, rev. Metin And
  • Aziz Nesin, Istanbul Boy: The Autobiography, rev. Ahmet Evin
  • Naguib Mahfuz, Mirrors, rev. Humphrey Tonkin

Edebiyât 3.1 (1978)


  • Ames M.B. Keyser, "1001 Nights: A Famous Etiquette Book"
  • Nagib Mahfūz, "Investigation," trans. Roger Allen
  • Adnan Haydar, "The Mu'allaqa of Imru'al-Qais: Its Structure and Meaning, II"


  • Mahshid Amir-Shahi, "String of Beads," trans. Michael Beard
  • Ahmad Shamlu, "Six Poems" trans. David Anderson and Jerome Clinton
  • Abū Nuwās, "Two Poems," trans. Adnan Haydar and Michael Beard
  • Talip Apaydin, "The Field," trans. Janet Heineck


  • Michael Beard, "The Perils of Plain Speaker," rev. of Reza Baraheni, God's Shadow/Zillallah


  • Forugh Hekmat and Yann Lovecock, Folk Tales of Ancient Persia, rev. Mary Ellen Page
  • A. Boulvin, Contes Populaires Persans, rev. Mary Ellen Page
  • Nahid Rachlin, Foreigner, rev. Sheila Friedlin
  • Matatyahu Peled, Al-Yqsūsa al-Taumūriyya fi Marhalatayni, rev. Roger Allen
  • Meymanat Mir-Sādeqi, Bibliography of Persian New Poetry, rev. Hamid Mahamedi

Edebiyât 3.2 (1978)


  • Peter D.Molan, "Ma'ruf the Cobbler: the Mythic Structure of an Arabian Nights Tale"
  • Nedim, "Song," trans. Talat S. Halman
  • Intizār Husain, "The Lost Ones (A Requiem for the Self)," trans. Muhammad Umar Memon
  • Adnan Haydar and Michael Beard, "Two Interpretations of Khalil Hawi's 'The Cave'"
  • Issa J. Boulata, "The Concept of Modernity in the Poetry of Jabrā and Sāyigh"
  • Michael C. Hillmann, "Sexuality in the Verse of Forugh Farrokzād and the Structuralist View"
  • Gershon Shaked, "I. Shami's 'The vengeance of the Fathers': A Palestinian-Hebrew Novel"


  • Michael C.Hillmann, ed., Hedāyat's 'The Blind Owl' Forty Years After, rev. Michael Beard
  • Ed by Fahir Iz, An Anthology of Modern Turkish Short Stories, rev. Alice Kelley
  • Roger Allen, ed. In the Eye of the Beholder. Tales of Egyptian Life from the Writings of Yūsuf Idris, rev. Gerald Prince
  • Yūsuf Idris, The Cheapest Nights and Other Stories, rev. Gerald Prince
  • R.C. Ostle, ed., Studies in Modern Arabic Literature, rev. Adnan Haydar
  • Ahmad Karimi-Hakak, ed., An Anthology of Modern Persian Poetry, rev. Michael Beard
  • Bahman Sholevar, Making Connections: Poems of Exile, rev. Beth Brown

Edebiyât 4.1 (1979)


  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Allegorical Techniques in the Ghazals of Hafez"
  • Sheyhi, From "The Donkey Story," trans. Talat S. Halman
  • J. C. Bürgel, "The Pious Rogue: A study in the Meaning of qalandar and rend in the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal"
  • Ruth Beizer-Bohrer, "Body and Soul in Yizhar's War Narrative"
  • Jerome W. Clinton, "Esthetics by Implication: What Metaphors Tell Us about the 'Unity' of the Persian Qasida"
  • Roger Allen, "Egyptian Drama After the Revolution"


  • Andreas Tietze, The Turkish Shadow Theater and the Puppet Collection of the L.A. Mayer Memorial Foundation, rev. Talat S. Halman
  • Nazim Hikmet, The Epic of Sheik Bedreddin, rev. Talat S. Halman
  • Aziz Nesin, Istanbul Boy: Yol (The Path) The Autobiography of Aziz Nesin, Part II, rev. Ahmet Ö Evin
  • Anthology of Armenian Poetry, ed. Biana der Hovanessian, rev. Beth Brown Adele Berlin
  • From the Poetry of Sumer, rev. Samuel Noah Kramer

Edebiyât 4.2 (1979)


  • Barbara Harlow, "Othello's Season of Migration"
  • Sabahattin Ali, "Hasanboguldu", trans. Svat Soucek
  • Aron Katsenelinbogen, "My meeting with a Prominent Turkish Poet: Nazim Hikmet"
  • Bruce Hayes, "The Rhythmic Structure of Persian Verse"


  • Michael J. Zwettler, The Oral Tradition of Classical Arabic Poetry, its Character and Implication, rev. Andras Hamori
  • Arabic Literature to the End of the Umayyad Period: The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature, vol. 1, rev. Roger Allen
  • Eveline Accad, Veil of Shame: The Role of Women in the Contemporary Ficton of North Africa and the Arab World, rev. Fedwa Malti-Douglas
  • Mikhal N. Mona, Images of Arab Women: Fact and Fiction, rev. Fedwa Malti-Douglas
  • Melih Cevdet Anday, "Rain One Step Away," rev. by Ahmet Ö Evin.
  • As'ad E. Khairallah, Love, Madness and Poetry: An Interpretation of the Majnun Legend, rev. Julie Scott Meisami

Edebiyât 5.1-2 (1980) Special issue on Yasar Kemal


  • Pertev Naili Boratav, "Designs on Yasar Kemal's Yörük Kilims"
  • Iilhan Basgöz, "Yasar Kemal and Turkish Folk Literature"
  • Osman Sahin, "Yasar Kemal is Cukurova", interviews with the villagers
  • William C. Hickman, "Traditional Themes in the Work of Yasar Kemal: Ince Memed"
  • L. O. Al'kaeva, "Ince Memed"
  • Raymond Williams, "Yasar Kemals' Novels"
  • Belma Otus-Baskett, "Yasar Kemal's Dream of Social Change: The Fable of the Hawk and the Goat-Beard"
  • Guzine Dino, "The Lors of Akchasaz: Part I, Murder in the Ironsmiths Market"
  • Kemal Yasar, "Yalnizlik"
  • Kemal Yasar, "Yellow Heat," trans. Ute Striker and Thilda Kemal
  • Kemal Yasar, "Still Waters", trans. Robert Finn and Thilda Kemal
  • Orhan M.Öztürk, "Yasar Kemal's Social Psychology"
  • Svetlana Uturgauri, "Folklore and the Prose of Yasar Kemal"
  • Altan Gökalp, "Yasar Kemal: From the Imaginary World of a People toan Epic of Reality"
  • Neclâ Aytür, "Native Sons of the South: William Faulkner and Yasar Kemal"
  • Kemal Yasar, "Salih the Gazer", trans. Thilda Kemal
  • Ahmet Ö. Evin, "Seagull and the Fiction of Yasar Kemal"
  • Adnan Binyazar, "The Yasar Kemal Phenomenon"

Edebiyât n.s. 1.1 (1987)


  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Kings and Lovers: Ethical Dimensions of Medieval Persian Romance"
  • Walter G. Andrews and Irene Markoff, "Poetry, the Arts, and the Group Ethos in the Ideology of the Ottoman Empire"
  • Walter Feldman, "A Musical Model for the Structure of the Ottoman Gazel"
  • Jerome W. Clinton, "Joseph, Yusuf, Siyavosh: Reflections on the Chaste Youth as Culture Hero"
  • Olga M. Davidson, "Aspects of Dioscurism in Iranian Kingship: The Case of Lohrasp and Goshtasp in the Shahname of Ferdowsi"
  • Sarah Moment Atis, "Sociology and the Literary Text in Turkey"
  • Ellen W. Ervin, "Narrative Technique in the Fiction of Adalet Agaoglu"

Edebiyât n.s. 1.2 (1989 sic)


  • Vincent DiMarco, "The Historical Basis of Chaucer's Squire's Tale"
  • John Asfour and Alison Burch, "Muhammad al-Maghut and the 'Surplus Man'"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Fitnah or Azadah? Nizami's Ethical Poetic"
  • Sasson Somekh, "Shelley in Neoclassical Arabic"
  • Jerome W. Clinton, "Shams-i Qays on the Nature of Poetry"


  • Emily Habiby, "The Gipsy", trans. Hilary Kilpatrick


  • Riccardo Zipoli, Verso Nondove: Paesaggi Persiani 1972-1984, rev. Michael Beard
  • Esther Fuch, Israeli Mythogynies: Women in Contemporary Hebrew Fiction, rev. Nehama Ashkenasy
  • Thomas M. Ricks, Critical Perspectives on Modern Persian Literature, rev. Hamid Dabashi
  • Naguib Mahfouz, The Beggar, rev. Roger Allen
  • Driss Chraibi, Mother Comes of Age, rev. Roger Allen
  • Naguib Mahfuz, The Thief and the Dogs, rev. Roger Allen
  • Van Gelder, Beyond the Line: Classical Arabic Literary Critics on the Coherence and Unity of the Poem, rev. Roger Allen
  • Louis Awad, ed., The Literature of Ideas in Egypt, rev.Roger Allen
  • Omar S. Pound, Arabic and Persian Poems, rev. Mansour Ajami

Edebiyât n.s. 2.1-2 (1988)


  • Michael Meeker, "Heroic Poems and Ant-heroic Stories in North Arabia: Literary Genres and the Relationship of Center an Periphery in Arabia"
  • Sabra Webber, "Living Proof: A Structure for Male Storytelling Events in a Tunisian, Mediterranean Town"
  • Margaret Mills, "Structure, Texture and the Personal Voice in Afgan Folktales"
  • Bridget Connelly, "Three Egyptian Rebab-Poets: Individual Craft and Poetic Design in Sirat Bani Hilal"
  • Peter Heath, "Lord and Parry, Sirat 'Antar, Lions"
  • William Hickman, "'Basat and Tepegöz': A Reappraisal"
  • Peter Molan, "The Arabian Nights: the Oral Collection"
  • Charlotte Albright, "The Azerbaijani 'Ashiq: a Musician's Adaptations to a Changing Society"
  • Regula Burkhardt Qureshi, "Listening to Words through Music: The Sufi Sama'"


  • Saad Abullah Sowayan, Nabati Poetry: the Oral Poetry of Arabia, rev. Adnan Haydar

Edebiyât n.s. 3.1 (1989)


  • Michael Zwettler, "The Poetics of Allusion in Abu l-'Atahiya's Ode in Praise of al-Hadi"
  • Walter Andrews, "The Sexual Intertext of Ottoman Literature: The Story of Me'âlî, Magistrate of Mihalich"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Dynastic History and Ideals of Kingship in Bayhaqi's Tarkh-i Mas'udi"
  • Nitza Ben-Dov, "Key Words and Thematic Composition in the Elisha Cycle"
  • Dick Davis, "Questioning of Authority in the Shahnameh"
  • Sasson Somekh, "Modern Arabic Poetry and its Medieval Palimpsest"
  • Andras Hamori, "Reading a Hebrew Lyric with a Hispano-Arabic Background"


  • David C. Jackobson, Modern Midrash. The Retelling of Traditional Jewish Narratives by Twentieth Century Hebrew Writers, rev. Norman Roth
  • Clifford Edmund Bosworth, Baha' al-din al-'Amili and His Literary Anthologies, rev. Roger Allen

Edebiyât n.s. 4.1 (1993)


  • William L. Hanaway, "Is there a Canon of Persian Poetry?"
  • Maria Rosa Menocal, "Contingencies of Canonical Structures and Values of Change: Lessons from Medieval Spain"
  • Sabra J. Webber, "On Canonicity, Literacy, and Middle Eastern Folk Narrative"
  • Victoria Rowe Holbrook, "A Technology of Reference: Divan and anti-Divan in the reception of a Turkish poet"
  • Vassilis Lambropoulos, "The Hebraic and Hellenic Models in the Western Literary Canon: the Case of Erich Auerbach"
  • Roger Allen, "The Impact of the Translated Text: the Case of Najib Mahfuz's Novels, with Special Emphasis on the Trilogy"
  • Frances W. Pritchett, "Orient Pearls Unstrung: the Quest for Unity in the Ghazal"


  • Sandra Naddaf, Arabesque: Narrative Structure and Aesthetics of Repetition in the 1001 Nights, rev. by David Pinault

Edebiyât n.s. 4.2 (1993) Papers from the Conference on "The Journey in Middle Eastern Literatures at Duke University," 1990


  • Miriam Cooke, "Introduction: Journeys Real and Imaginary"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "The Theme of the Journey in Nizami's Haft Paykar"
  • Dick Davis, "The Journey as Paradigm: Literal and Metaphoric Travel in Attar's Mantiq al-Tayr"
  • Allen Douglas, "Imperialism and Mysticism: Marcel Barrès' Une enquête aux Pays du Levant"
  • Fedwa Malti-Douglas, "An anti-Travel Guide: Iconography in a Muslim Revivalist Tract"
  • Raymond P. Scheindlin, "Ibn Gabirol's religious Poetry and Arabic Zuhd Poetry"
  • Walter Feldman, "Mysticism, Didacticism and Authority in the Liturgical Poetry of the Halvetī Dervishes of Istanbul"
  • S. Peter Cowe, "The Art of Actuality: A contemporary Dastan of an Armenian Asul"


  • Sh. Alborzi, "Notes by a Traveller, trans. Mahasti Afshar Ziai"


  • "Mannerism Revisited," rev. of Gianroberto Scarcia, ed., Persia barocca, by Michael Beard


  • Suzanne Stetkevych, Abū Tammâm and the Poetics of the 'Abbâsid Age, rev. Stephan Sperl
  • Shahrbanou Tadjbakksh, ed. Shi'r-i Mu'āsir-i Tajīkī, rev. William H. Hanaway
  • Assia Djebar, Women of Algeria in their Apartment, rev. Judith Caesar
  • Aras Ören, Please, No Police, trans. Teoman Sipahigil, rev. David Cowart

Edebiyât n.s. 5.1(1994)


  • Daniel Beaumont, "The Trickster and Rhetoric in the Maqāmāt"
  • James Montgomery, "Arkhilokhos, al-Nābigha al-Dhubyānī an a Complaint against Blacksmith; or, a Funny Thing Happened to Me . . ."
  • Reuven Snir, "The 'World Upsidedown' in Modern Arabic Literature: New Literary Renditions of an Antique Religious Topos"
  • Ulrich Marzolph, "Social values in the Persian Popular Romance Salīm-i Javāhirī"
  • Yosefa Loshitzky, "From OrientalistDiscourse to Woman's Melodrama: Oz and Volman's My Michael"
  • Intizar Husain, From "Town"; trans Frances Pritchett


  • Luce López-Baralt, Islam in Spanish Literature: From the Middle Ages to the Present, rev. Elizabeth A.S. Beaudin
  • Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism, rev. Nasrin Rahimieh
  • Lizbeth Malkmus and Roy Armes, Arab and African Film Making, rev. Nasrin Rahimieh


  • Conseil International de'Études Francophones (Casablanca, 100-17 July 1993), rev. Michael Beard

Edebiyât n.s. 5.2 (1994)


  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Rāvandī's Rāhat al-Sudūr: History or Hybrid?"
  • Terri De Young, "Mu'ārada and Modern Arabic Poetry: Some Examples from the Work of Badr Shākir al-Sayyāb"
  • Marta Simidchieva, "The Nightingale and the Blind Owl: Sādiq Hidāyat and the Classical Persian Tradition"
  • Nancy E.Berg, "Oleh Hadash (new immigrant): the case of the Israeli Mystery"
  • William E. Smyth, "What's in a name? The Issue of Language in Early Persian Works on Poetics"


  • Hanān al-Shaykh, "The one-eyed woman," trans. Renata Rodler-Wise
  • Muhammad 'Abd al-Quddūs, "Inside the Belly of the Whale," trans. Ayman Hussein


  • "From Basra to Bārīs; or, Is there an Arabic Text in this Class?: Julia Kristeva on Arabic Linguistic Theory," rev. of Julia Kristeva, Le Langage, cet inconnu, by Desmond Stewart
  • Clinton Bailey, Bedouin Poetry from Sinai and the Negev: Mirror of a Culture, rev. Nadia Jamil


  • Abdelfattah Kilito, L'Oeil et l'aiguille: Essais sur "les mille et une nuits," rev. Gerald Prince
  • Haim Gordon, Naguib Mahfouz's Egypt: Existential Themes in his Writings, rev. Paul Starkey
  • A.Shapour Shahbazi, Ferdowsī: A Critical Biography, rev. Dick Davis
  • Stories from Iran: A Chicago Anthology, ed. Heshmat Moayyad, rev. Daphne Athas
  • Hasan Shah, The Nautch Girl, trans. Qurratulain Hyder, rev. C.M. Nain

Edebiyât n.s. 6.1 (1995)


  • Joanna Goodman, "L'écrit et le cri: Giving Voice in Assisa Djebar's L'amour, la fantasia"
  • David Pinault, "Pharaoh Akhenaton as Messenger of God: The Use of Islamic Theological Vocabulary in Some Recent Novels by Naguib Mahfouz"
  • Leonardo Alishan, "Oedipus and Laius: An Archetype for the Development of Modernist Persian Poetry"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Hafiz in English: Translation and Authority"
  • Annemarie Brumm, "Three Interviews" (Samīh al-Qāsim, A.B. Yehoshua and Micha Shagrir)


  • Liana Badr, "The Gardens," trans. Sabah Ghandour
  • Naguib Mahfouz, "The Encounter," trans. Ayman F.B. Hussein
  • Mohammad Dib, "The Inscribed Stone," trans. Rosine Tenenbaum


  • Raymond P. Scheindlin, "Is There a Khafajian Style?" rev. of Magda M. Al-Nowaihi, The Poetry of Ibn Khafāja
  • Shawkat Toorawa, "Sad Songs with Henna Leaves," rev. of Muhammad Umar Memon, ed. and trans., Domains of Fear and Desire: Urdu Stories; The Tale of the Old Fisherman: Contemporary Urdu Short Stories; The Color of Nothingness: Modern Urdu Short Stories
  • RachelFalconer, "Cutting the Heroics," rev. of Ferdowsi, The Legend of Siyavash, trans. Dick Davis


  • Alan Jones, Early Arabic Poetry, vol. 1: Marathi and Su'luk Poems, rev. Andras Hamori
  • Isaac Benabu, ed. Circa 1492: Proceedings of the Jerusalem Colloquium: Liierae Judaeorum in Terra Hispanica, rev. A. Tanenbaum
  • Amitav Ghosh, In An Antique Land, rev. Judith Caesar
  • Elias Khoury, The Gates of the City, rev. Donald Hays
  • Rasheed El-Enany. Naguib Mahfouz: The Pursuit of Meaning, rev. Roger Allen
  • Sasson Somekh, Genre and Language in Modern Arabic Literature, rev. Renate Wise

Edebiyât n.s. 6.2 (1995), Papers from the MLS Conference, "The Poetics of Sexuality"


  • Naomi Sokoloff, "Silence, Hunger and Sexuality: Dan Benaya Seri's Poetics of Gender"
  • Sibel Erol, "Sexual Discourse in Turkish Fiction: Return of the Repressed Female Identity"
  • Marta Simidchieva, "The River Runs Through It: A Persian Paradigm of Frustrated Desire"
  • Michael Glünz, "The Sword, the Pen and the Phallus: Metaphors and Metonymies of Male Power and Creativity in Medieval Persian Poetry"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "The Body as Garden: Nature and Sexuality in Persian Poetry"
  • Saïdeh Pakravan, "An Interview with Ahdaf Soueif"


  • Sīmīn Bihbihānī, Eleven poems, trans. Farzaneh Milani and Kaveh Safa


  • Judith Caesar, "Resilient Heroine, Broken Stereotypes," rev. of Ahdaf Soueif, In the Eye of the Sun
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "An Anatomy of Misogyny?" rev. Fedwa Malti-Douglas, Woman's Body, Woman's Word: Genre and Discourse in Arabo-IslamicWriting.

Edebiyât n.s. 7.1 (1996)


  • Paul E. Losensky, "Fanā and Taxes: A Brief Literary History of a Persian Proverb"
  • Clara Brakel and Shmuel Moreh, "Reflections on the Term Bāba; From Medieval Arabic Plays to Contemporary Javanese Masked Theatre"
  • Amila Buturović, "National Quest and the Anguish of Salvation: Bosnian Muslim Identity in Mesa Selimovic's The Dervish and Death"


  • Erih Koš, "In Mostar," trans Stephen Dickey
  • Cámil Sijarić, "Neither a Church nor a Mosque," trans. Amila Buturović
  • Mahmū Bal'īd. "The Chicken Leg," trans. Mohammed Farghal
  • Mu'nis al-Razzāz, "Back to His Roots," trans. Yasir Suleiman and Sandor Hervey
  • Mustafā Sādiq al-Rāfi'ī, "Soliloquy to the Moon," trans Asma Afsaruddin


  • Anouar Majid, "Birth of an Arab Nation," rev. of Abdelrahman Munif, Cities of Salt, The Trench, and Variations on Night and Day
  • Hilary Kilpatrick, "Primary Problems in Translating Contemporary Arabic Novels," rev. of Hamida Na'na', The Homeland; Hoda Barakat, The Stone of Laughter; Liana Badr, The Eye of the Mirror; and Salwa Bakr, The Golden Chariot


  • The Crime of Saidi-Sirjani, rev. Michael Beard
  • Rachid Mimouni, The Honor of the Tribe; The Ogre's Embrace, rev. Gordon Henry
  • Lisa Lowe, Critical Terrains: French and British Orientalisms, rev. Rachel Jennings
  • Nitza Ben-Dov, Agnon's Art of Indirection, rev. Ziva Shamir
  • Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. VI, rev. William L. Hanaway
  • Abbas Banisar, La Tâ'ziya ou Le Drame Persan, rev. Ulrich Marzolph
  • Suzanne P. Stetkevych, ed., Reorientations/Arabic and Persian Poetry, rev. by András Hámori
  • Ulrich Marzolph, Arabia Ridens: Die Humoristische Kurzprosa der frühen adab-Literatur in Internationalen Traditionsgeflecht, rev. Michael Glünz
  • Pierre Cachia, Popular Narrative Ballads of Modern Egypt, rev. Dwight F. Reynolds
  • Kamal Abdel-Malek, A study of the Vernacular Poetry of Ahmad Fu'ād Nigm, rev. Barbara Harlow
  • Etel Anan, Of Cities and Women; Paris, When It's Naked, rev. Ralph Flores
  • Salwa Bakr, The Wiles of Men and Other Stories, rev. Farzaneh Melani
  • Waguih Ghali, Beer in the Snooker Club, rev. Judith Caesar
  • Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Anthology of Modern Palestinian Literature, rev. Barbara Harlow
  • Barbara Mckean Parmenter, Giving Voice to Stones: Place and Identity in Palestinian Literature, rev. Amal Amireh

Edebiyât n.s. 7.2 (1996) Special Issue: Arabic Autobiography (Guest Editor Dwight F. Reynolds)


  • Dwight F. Reynolds, "Introduction: Arabic Autobiography"
  • Jamal J. Elias, "The Hadīth Traditions of 'Ā'isha as Prototypes of Self-Narrative"
  • Michael Cooperson, "The Purported Autobiography of Hunayn ibn Ishāq"
  • Shawkat M. Toorawa, "Language and Male Homosocial Desire in the Autobiography of 'Abd al-Latīf al-Baghādādī"
  • Nasser Rabbat, "My Life with Salāh al-Dīn: The Memoirs of 'Imād al-Dīn Al-Kātib al-Isfāhanī"
  • Nuha N. Khoury, "The Autobiography of ibn al-'Adīm as Told by Yāqū al-Rūmī"
  • Joseph E. Lowry, "Time, Form, and, self: The Autobiography of Abū Shāma"
  • Kristen Brustad, "Imposing Order: Reading the Conventions of representation in al-Suyūtī's Autobiography"
  • Devin J. Stewart, "Capital, Accumulation, and the Islamic Academic Biography"
  • Eve M. Troutt Powell, " Waving His Own Flag: Ibrāhīm Fawzī Pasha's Narrative of the Sudan"
  • Dwight F. Reynolds, "Childhood in One Thousand Years of Arabic Autobiography"


  • Nili Gold, "Quest for the Soul," rev. of A.B. Yehoshua, Ha-Shiva me-Hodu (The Return from India)


  • Qasida Poetry in Islamic Asia and Africa, rev. Andras Hamori
  • Allen Douglas and Fedwa Malti-Douglas, Arab Comic strips: Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture rev. Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle
  • Seyyed Hossein Nasr, A young Muslim's Guide to the Modern World, rev. Bruce Lawrence

Edebiyât n.s. 8.1 (1998) Papers from the Middle East Literary Seminar Conference, "Memory and Middle Eastern Literature" (Princeton, 1995)


  • Carol Bardenstein, "Threads of Memory and Discourses of Rootedness: Of Trees, Oranges and Prickly-Pear cactus in Israel/Palestine"
  • Walter Feldman, "Time, memory and Autobiography in The Clock-Setting Institute of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Places in the Past: The Poetics/ Politics of Nostalgia"
  • Rivanne Sandler, "Imagination Barred or Set Free? The Poetry of Suhrāb Sipihrī"


  • Salāh 'Abd al-Latīf, "The Supermarket," trans. Salaam Yousif


  • John Mowitt, "Guelwaar: Politicizing the Aesthetics of Hunger," rev. of Ousmane Sembène, Guelwaar


  • Ferial J. Ghazoul, ed. Arab Cinematics: Toward the New and the Alternative, rev. Nasrin Rahimieh
  • Edwār al-Kharrāt, City of Saffron; Girls of Alexandria, rev. Michael Beard
  • Riccardo Zipoli, The Technique of the Ğawab: replies by Nawā'ī to Hāfiz an Ğami, rev. Paul Losensky
  • Jan den Boeft and Anton Hilhorst, Early christian Poetry: A Collection of Essays, rev Willemien Otten
  • Diane Abu-Jaber, Arabian Jazz, rev. Mona Fayad


  • Comparative Literature in the Arab World. Cairo, 19-22 December 1995. Mohamed-Salah Omri.
  • The Centennial of Arab Cinema. Walter Reade Theatre, New York, November 1996. Samah Selim.

Edebiyât n.s. 8.2 (1998)


  • Michael Cooperson, "Remembering the Future: Arabic Time Travel-Literature"
  • Issa Boullata, "Social Change in Munīf's Cities of Salt"
  • Hosam Aboul-Ela, "The Drowsy Emir and the World System: Yahyā Tāhir 'Abd Allāh, Samir Amin, and the Arab Predicament of Dependency"
  • Paul E. Losensky, "Lingustic and Rhetorical Aspects of the Signature Verse (Takhallus) in the Persian Ghazal"


  • Mahmūd Bal'īd, "Dogs," trans. Mohammed Farghal
  • Ibrāhīm al-Kūnī, "Shrapnel," trans. Samar Kadi


  • Maria Rosa Menocal, Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric, rev. Walter G. Andrews
  • Francesca Maria Corrao, Giufà: il furbo, lo sciocco, il saggio, rev. Michael Beard
  • Saddeka Arebi, Women and Words in Saudi Arabia: the politics of Literary Discourse, rev. Judith Caesar
  • "Bearing Witness: Recent Literature from Lebanon" (special issue of The Literary Review 37.3 [1994]; "The Middle East" (spec. issue of Michigan Quarterly Review 31.4 [1992]), rev. Robin Magowan
  • Parvīz Sayyād. Parvīz Sayyād's Theatre of Diaspora. Two Plays: The ass and the Rex Cinema Trial, ed. Hamid Dabashi, rev. Zjaleh Hajibashi
  • Ardeshir Mohasses, Life in Iran: The Library of Congress Drawings, rev. Michael Craig Hillman
  • Riccardo Zipoli, Un giardino nella voce: Persia 1972-1994, rev. Robin Magowan
  • Shemaryahu Talmon, Literary Studies in the Hebrew Bible. Form and Content Collected Studies, rev. H. Williamson

Edebiyât n.s. 9.1 (1998) Papers from the Symposium on the Hermeneutics of Classical Persian Poetry (University of Leiden, April 1996)


  • Bo Utas, "The Aesthetic Use of New Persian"
  • Gabrielle van den Berg, "The Nasībs in the Dīvān of Farrukhī Sīstānī: Poetical Speech versus the Reflection of Reality"
  • Julie Scott Meisami, "Imagery as Argument: Khāqānī's Qasīda to the Sharvānshāh on the Occsion of 'īd al-Fitr"
  • J.-C. Bürgel, "The Idea of Non-Violence in the Epic Poetry of Nizāmī"
  • J.T.P. de Bruijn, "The Preaching Poet: Three Homiletic Poems by Farīd al-Dīn 'Attār"
  • Riccardo Zipoli, "Syntagma Cohesion in the Neopersian Ghazal as Microtext"


  • Muhammad 'Afīfī Matar, "Three Mawwāls," trans. Ferial Ghazoul and John Verlenden


  • "Exiles and Explorers: Iranian Diaspora Literature Since 1980" (Special Issue, The Literary Review 40.1 [1996]), rev. Saïdeh Pakravan
  • Lisa Golombek and Maria Subtelny, eds., Timurid Art and Culture: Iran and Central Asia in the Fifteenth Century, rev. Paul Losensky
  • William L. Hanaway and Brian Spooner, Reading Nasta'liq: Persian and Urdu Hands from 1500 to the Present, rev. Sheila Blair
  • Peter Heath, Allegory and Philosophy in Avicenna, rev. Gordon Teskey
  • Frances Pritchett, Nets of Awareness: Urdu Poetry and its Critics, rev. Sara Suleri Goodyear
  • John L. Foster, trans., Echoes of Egyptian Voices: An Anthology of Egyptian Poetry, rev. Jay Meek
  • Norman O. Brown, Apocalypse and/or Metamorphosis chapters five and six, "The Prophetic Tradition" and "The Apocalypse of Islam," rev. Michael Beard

Edebiyât n.s. 9.2 (1998)


  • William Granara, "Remaking Muslim Sicily: Ibn Hamdīs and the Poetics of Exile"
  • Michelle Hartman, "Interlinguistic Scrambling in Three Works of Andrée Chedid"
  • Julia Rubanovich, "The Reconstruction of a Storytelling Event in Medieval Persian Prose Romance: The Case of the Iskandarnāma"
  • Nasrin Rahimieh, "Framing Iran: A Contrapuntal Analysis of Two Cinematic Representations of Postrevolutionary Iran"


  • Giampiero Bellingeri, "Shaikh Ghalib, From A to B," rev. of Victoria Rowe Holbrook, The Unreadable Shores of Love: Turkish Modernity and Mystic Romance


  • Jaroslav Stetkevych, The Zephyrs of Najd: The Poetics of Nostalgia in the Classical Arabic Nasīb, rev. John Crofoot
  • Ed. George N. Atiyeh, The Book in the Islamic World: The Written Word and Communication in the Middle East, rev. Issa Boulata
  • Nizar Kabbani, Arabian Love Poems, rev. Elisa Salem Manganaro
  • Naguib Mahfouz, The Harafish, rev. Allen E. Hibbard
  • Kamyar Ābidī, Az Musahibat-i Āftāb (A Session with the Sun. An Inquiry into the Life and Poetry of Suhrab Sipihri), rev. Rivanne Sandler
  • Esmail Khoi, Edges of Poetry, trans. Ahmad Karimi Hakkak and Michael Beard, rev.Thomas Filbin

Edebiyât n.s. 10.1 (1999) Special Issue: Al-Tayyib Sālih: Seventy Candles (Guest Editors: Ahmed Al-Shahi and Ami Elad-Bouskila)


  • Ahmed Al-Shahi and Ami Elad-Bouskila, "Guest Editors' Preface"
  • Ami Elad-Bouskila, "The Author and His Works"
  • Paul Starkey, "Narrative Structure in al-Tayyib Sālih's Mawsim al-hijra ilā al-shamāl"
  • Muhammad Khalafalla 'Abdallah, "Mustafā's Migration from the Sa'īd: An Odyssey in Search of Identity"
  • Ahmed Al-Shahi, "Some Anthopological Observations on al-Tayyib Sālih's Writings"
  • Ami Elad-Bouskila, "The Expositions in al-Tayyib Sālih's Writing"
  • Sara Sviri, "On Trees, Dreams, and Holy Men: Notes on al-Tayyib Sālih's 'The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid'"
  • Kevin Rosser, "Closing Remarks: al-Tayyib Sālih, Dr. Mustafa Badawi"


  • Ami Elad Bouskila, compiler, "Places and Dates of Publication of al-Tayyib Sālih's Works and Translations into Other Languages"; "Short Summary of al-Tayyib Sālih'sWorks"; "Bibliography of Writings on al-Tayyib Sālih"


  • Jerome W. Clinton, "Rūmī in America"
  • Clarissa Burt, "Biblical and Qur'āniic Allusion in Contemporary Poetry and Translation"


  • Andrew Shryock, Nationalism and the Genealogical Imagination: Oral History and Textual Authority in Jordan, rev. Clive Holes
  • Abdellah Bounfour, De l'enfant au fils: Essais sur la filiation dans les Mille et une nuits, rev. Devin J. Stewart
  • Ilyas Mallayev, Shīr-u Shakar: Ash'ār-hā-yi muntakhab, rev. Michael Beard
  • Glenda Abramson, The Oxford Anthology of Hebrew Short Stories, rev. Nancy E. Berg

Edebiyât n.s. 10.2 (1999)


  • Remke Kruk and Claudia Ott, "'In the Popular Manner': Sira-recitation in Marrakesh anno 1997"
  • Ulrich Marzolph, "As Women as Can Be: The Arabic Folktale Heroine Gendered Subversiveness of an Arabic Folktale Heroine"
  • Samira Aghacy, "Addictive Interpretation in Rashīd al-Dayf's Learning English"
  • Walter Feldman, "Genre and Narrative Strategies in the 'Seven Planets' (Sab'a-i Sayyār) by Mīr 'Alī Shīr Navā'i"
  • Dick Davis, "Sufism and Poetry: A Marriage of Convenience?"


  • Barry Tharaud, "In the Rain Bird's Nest," rev. of Salman the Solitary by Yashar Kemal


  • Franz Rosenthal, The Classical Heritage in Islam, reviewed by James E. Montgomery
  • Nancy E. Berg, Exile from Exile: Israeli Writers from Iraq, reviewed by Hanita Brand
  • Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak, Recasting Persian Poetry: Scenarios of Poetic Modernity in Iran, rev.Erik Nakjavani
  • Sadriddin Aini, Marg-i sudkhur, rev. Mansour Bonakdarian
  • Hamid Naficy, The Making of Exile Cultures: Iranian Television in Los Angeles, rev. Marwan M. Kraidy
  • Taslima Nasrin, Lajja/Shame, rev. Gayatri Devi

Edebiyât n.s. 11.1 (2000)


  • Mordechai Z. Cohen, "Moses Ibn Ezra vs. Maimonides: Argument for a Poetic Definition of Metaphor"
  • Nancy E. Berg, "En/gendering Hebrew Literature in the 90s"
  • Hanita Brand, "Fragmentary, But Not Without Meaning -- Androgynous Constructs and Their Enhanced Signification"
  • Anne Donadey, "Portrait of a Maghrebian Feminist as a Young Girl: Fatima Mernissi's Dreams of Trespass"
  • Walter G. Andrews, "The Black Book and Black Boxes: Orghan Pamuk's Kara  Kitap"


  • Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, "Wine and Love in Early Abbasid Literature," rev. of Thomas Bauer, Liebe und Liebesdichtung in der arabischen Welt des 9. Und 10. Jahrhunderts


  • Shirley Guthrie, Arab Social Life in the Middle Ages: An Illustrated Study, rev. Julie Scott Meisami
  • Wen-chin Ouyang, Literary Criticism in Medieval Arabic-Islamic Culture: the Making of a Tradition, rev. Roger Allen
  • Tazim R. Kassam, Songs of Wisdom, Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismā'īlī Muslim Saint, Pir Shams; Shimmering Light: An Anthology of Ismaili Poetry, rev. Julie Scott Meisami
  • Petra de Bruijn, The Two Worlds of Eşber: Western-Orientated Verse Drama and Ottoman Turkish Poetry by 'Abdülhakk Hāmid (Tarhan), rev. Christine Woodhead
  • Yaşar Kemal on His Life and Art: Conversations of Yashar Kemal with Alain Bosquet, trans. Eugene Lyons Hebert and Barry Tharaud, rev. A. Clare Brandabur
  • John M. MacKenzie, Orientalism: History, Theory and the Arts, rev. Julie Scott Meisami

Edebiyât n.s. 11.2 (2000)


  • Mohamed-Salah Omri, "Adab in the Seventeenth Century: narrative and Parody in al-Shirbīnī's Hazz al-Quhūf"
  • Zulfikar Hirji, "The Trials of Sevayash: Fire, Water and Virtue"
  • Christine van Ruymbeke, "Nizāmī's Trees: An Agricultural Investigation of the Miniatures of Shāh Tahmāsp's Khamsa"
  • Robert G. Morrison, "Medieval Psychology in Abraham Ibn Ezra's Poetry"


  • Judith Caesar, "Mohammad Al Murr's Map of Dubai," rev. of Mohammad al-Murr, Dubai Tales and The Wink of the Mona Lisa
  • Ibrahim Fawal, "Three Perspectives on Arab Cinema," rev. of Mustafa Darwish, Dream Makers on the Nile: A Portrait of Egyptian Cinema; Viola Shafik, Araba Cinema: History and Cultural Identity; and Sherifa Zuhur, Images of Enchantment: Visual and Performing Arts of the Middle East


  • Ferial J. Ghazoul, Nocturnal Poetics: The Arabian Nights in Comparative Context, rev. Roger Allen
  • Ed. Stepahn Guth, Priska Furrer, J.-C. Bürgel, Conscious Voices: Concepts of Writing in the Middle East, rev. Roger Allen
  • J.T.P de Bruijn, Persian Sufi Poetry: An Introduction to the Mystical Use of Classical Poems, rev. Julie Scott Meisami
  • Paul E. Losensky, Welcoming Fighānī: Imitation and Poetic Individuality in the Safavid-Mughal Ghazal, rev. Julie Scott Meisami

Edebiyât n.s. 12.1 (2001) Papers from the seminar on Fasāhat and Balāghat in Classical Persian Literature (Cambridge, March 1999)


  • Geert Jan Gelder, "The Apposite Request: A Small Chapter in Persian and Arabic Rhetoric"
  • A.A. Seyed-Gohrab, "The Art of Riddling in Classical Persian Poetry"
  • Riccardo Zipoli, "Computer-Assisted Studies in Persian Rhyme"
  • Gabrielle van den Berg,"Poetry from Tajik Badakhshan: Form and Performance"
  • James E. Montgomery, "Ibn Rusta's lack of 'Eloquence', the Rūs, and Samanid Cosmography"


  • Abdelfattah Kilito, From The Author and His Doubles, trans. Michael Cooperson


  • Herbjørn Jenssen, The Subtleties and Secrets of the Arabic Language: Preliminary Investigation in al-Qazwīnī's Talkhīs al-Miftāāh, rev. Geert Jan van Gelder
  • Arnoud Vrolik, Bringing a Laugh to a Scowling Face: A Study and Critical Edition of the 'Nuzhat al-nufū wa-mudhik al-'abū'by 'Alī ibn
  • Sūdūn al-Bašbugāwi, rev. Everett K. Rowson
  • Kamal Abdel-Malek, Muhummad in the Modern Egyptian Popular Ballad, rev. Samer Mahdy Ali
  • Olga M. Davidson, Comparative Literature and Classical Persian Poetics, rev. Julie Scott Meisami
  • Gabrielle Rachel van den Berg, Minstrel Poetry from the Pamir Mountains: A Study on the Songs and Poems of the Ismâ'īlīs of Tajik Badakhshan, rev. Julie Scott Meisami

Edebiyât n.s. 12.2 (2001)


  • Joseph E. Lowry, "Histories and Polyphonies: Deep Structures in al-Tayyib Sâlih's Mawsim al-hijra ilâ al-shamâl (Season of Migration to the North)"
  • Nasrin Rahimieh, "Capturing Cultural Transformation on Film: Makhmalbaf's A Moment of Innocence
  • Nazik Saba Yared, "Identity and Conflict in the Novels of Contemporary Lebanese Women Novelists"


  • Ayla Kutlu, "The Graveyard of Condemned Women," trans. Hilâl Sürsal
  • Mahdi Issa al-Saqr, "Waiting" and "Morning Exercises," trans. Shakir Mustafa
  • Hilmi Yavuz, "Fifteen Poems," trans. Walter G. Andrews


  • Erik Nakjavani, "New Light on Nizami" (rev. of Nizami Ganjavi, Haft Paykar: A Medieval Persian Romance, trans. Julie Meisami; and Kamran Talattof and Jerome W. Clinton, eds., The Poetry of Nizami Ganjavi: Knowledge, Love and Rhetoric*


  • Nabil Matar, Turks, Moors and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery, rev. Abdulla al-Dabbagh
  • Rose Issa and Sheila Whitaker, eds., Life and Art: The New Iranian Cinema, rev. Azadeh Saljooghi
  • Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, In Search of Walid Masoud, trans. Roger Allen and Adnan Haydar, rev. Alexander Eben Elinson
  • Geert Jan Van Gelder, God's Banquet: Food in Classical Arabic Literature, rev. Clarissa Burt


  • Germany and the Arab World, Al-Ain 30 Sept.-2 Oct., 2001, Abdulla al-Dabbagh


  • An Addendum to Edebiyât 10.1, "Bibliography of Critical Works on al-Tayyib Sâlih" by Shawkat M. Toorawa

Edebiyât n.s. 13.1 (2002)


  • Rula Abisaab, "The Pessoptimist: Breaching the State's da`wâ in a Fated Narrative of Secrets"
  • Mehdi Khorrami, "Toward a Literary Laboratory: Architectural Fluidity in Mandanipur's Short Stories"
  • Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, "An Early Muslim Tradition in Light of its Christian Environment"


  • From Haydar Haydar, "A Banquet for Seaweed: The Odes of Death" (Walîma li-a`shab al-bahr) trans. by Allen Hibbard and Osama Isber
  • From Samir Naqqâsh, "Tenants and Cobwebs" (Nzulah u-Khait el-Shitan), trans. Sadok Masliyah
  • From Muhammed Khodayyir, "Friday Bounties" (from Basriyatha). trans. Shakir Mustafa
  • From Edwar al-Kharrât, "Mikhail and the Swan" (from Rama wa al-tanîn), trans. John Verlenden & Ferial Ghazoul


  • Clare Brandabur, "Voices from Exile: Two Novels of Palestinian History," rev. of Abraham Fawal, On the Hills of God and Shaw Dallal, Scattered Like Seeds
  • Barry Tharaud, "The View from Mount Uludag," rev. of Erendiz Atasü, The Other Side of the Mountain (Dagin Öteki Yüzü), tr. Erendiz Atasü and Elizabeth Maslen.
  • Shakir Mustafa, "Genre Negotiations," rev. of Muhammad Khudayyir, Basriyatha: Surat madîna


  • Abdelfattah Kilito, The Author and his Doubles, rev. Gerald Prince
  • Samsun Kashfi, Hâlâ dubâreh sedâ (Now the Sound Again), rev. Erik Nakjavani
  • Sami Michael, Mayim Noshkim LeMayim (Water Kissing Water) rev. Nancy Berg
  • `Abd al-Qâdir al-Shâwî, Al-Sâba al-sharafîya, rev. Alexander Elinson
  • Sadegh Hedayat, The Myth of Creation: A Puppet Show in Three Acts (Afsâna-ye âfarinash), trans. M.R. Ghanoonparvar, rev. Michael Beard
  • Mehdi Khorrami & Shouleh Vatanabadi, Feast in a Mirror, rev. Judith Caesar
  • Bahiyyih Nakhjavani, The Saddlebag, rev. Marielle Risse

Edebiyât n.s. 13.2 (2003)


  • Nüket Esen, "The Narrator and the Naratee in Ahmet Mithat"
  • Mehr Farooqi, "The Secret of Letters: Chronograms in Urdu Literary Culture"
  • Adnan Haydar, "Al-Hidâ, al-Hawrabah and al-Nahw in Lebanese Zajal"
  • Tom Lamont, "Mutual Abuse: The Meeting of Robinson Crusoe and Hayy ibn Yaqzân"
  • Ulrich Marzolph, "Illustrated Persian Lithoraphic Editions of the Shâhnâme"
  • Mine Özyert Kiliç, "Unveiling the Veiled Self"
  • Erik Nakjavani, "Hedayat and Hemingway: a study in comparative stylistics"
  • Caroline Sawyer, "Rewriting Alexander: Structure and Evolution in Ahmedi's Ottoman Iskendername (ca. 1400)


  • Xijuan Zhou, "Islamic Theology in Chinese Culture: translation and transmission" rev. of Sachiko Murata, Chinese Gleams of Sufi Light


  • Sonallah Ibrahim, Zaat, rev. Hosam Aboul-Ela
  • `Abd al-Hakim Qasim, Rites of Assent: two novellas, rev. Judith Caesar
  • Annemarie Schimmel, Make a Shield from Wisdom: Selected Verses from Nasir-i Khusraw's Divan; Alice C. Hunsberger, Nasir Khusraw, the Ruby of Badakhshan: A Portrait of the Persian Poet, Traveler and Philosopher, rev. William L. Hanaway
  • Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, Time Regulations Institute, rev. Selim Kuru
  • Walter Feldman, Music of the Ottoman Court: Makam, Composition and the Early Ottoman Instrumental Repertoire, rev. John Morgan O'Connell
  • Abol-Qasem Ferdowsi, In the Dragon's Claws: The Story of Roastam and Esfandiyar from the Persian Book of Kings, rev. Caroline Sawyer
  • `Alâ al-Aswani, `Umârat Ya`qûbiyân, rev. Samah Selim


  • "Cosmopolitan Alexandria: A Symposium," Caroline Schroeder
  • "Dreams of a Nation: A Palestinian Film Festival," Kamran D. Rastegar
  • "A Tribute to Sadeq Hedayat," Michael Beard

Edebiyât n.s. 14.1/2 (2004) Special issue: The Writer and the Text in the Arab World (Guest Editor: Samah Selim)


  • Hosam Aboul-Ela, "Writer, Text and Context: The Geohistorical Location of the post-48 Arabic Novel"
  • Michael Beard, "Master Narrative and Necessity in Ibn Fattouma"
  • Walid Hamarnah, "Narrative, Memory and Exile in Ghâlib Halasâ's *Sultânah*"
  • Elisabeth Kendall, "The Theoretical Roots of the Literary avant-garde in 1960's Egypt"
  • Mohamed-Salah Omri, "Evocation and Mimesis: Al-Muwayliî, al-Mas`adî and the Narrative Tradition"
  • Wen-chin Ouyang, "The Dialectic of Past and Present in Rihlat Ibn Fattûma by Najîb Mahfûz"
  • Samah Selim, "The Narrative Craft: Realism and Fiction in the Arabic Canon"


  • Two Stories by Samira al-Mana ("The Thing we Call Age"and "A Dormant Alphabet"), trans. Shakir Mustafa
  • Wadî` Sa`âdeh, from "Attampt to Connect Two shores with Sound" and "Bringing Back a Melted Person," trans. Clarissa Burt.


  • Barry Tharaud, "A Quintet and a Waltz" (on recent translations by Milet Publishing: Rafat Ilgaz, Fourth Company / Dördüncu Bölük; Aziz Nesin, Out of the way! Socialism's Coming / Sosyalizm Geliyor Savulun!; Muzaffer Izgü, Radical Niyazi Bey / Radikal Niyazi Bey; Furuzan, A Summer Full of Love / Sevda Bolu Bir Yaz; Buket Uzuner, A Cup of Turkish Coffee / Bir fincan kahve and Mediterranean Walz / Kumral Ada-Mavi Tuna


  • Saime Göksu and Edward Timms, Romantic Communist: The Life and Work of Nazim Hikmet, rev. Clare Brandabur.
  • Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Al-Tajrîbah al-jamîlah: risâ'il Jabra Ibrâhîm Jabra ilâ `Isâ Boullatah min 1966 ilâ 1994, rev. Clarissa Burt.


  • Shouleh Vatanabadi, Mohammad Mehdi Khorrami & Judith Caesar